Monday 27 June 2011

House Martins

Monday 27th June
 Today has been a hot sunny day with the temperature reaching 25°C.
We have seen around 20 House Martins locally nesting in 4 or 5 spots and
flying overhead in the same area. Very difficult to get a snap of them in the
air but did mange a few snaps at one nest site.Don't know how this compares
to previous years but its good to see the presant ones flying about.

 As I was compiling this blog the birds outside seemed a bit noisey so I looked
out of the window, and on the bird feeder saw a Spotted Woodpecker. Luckily
my camera was to hand so I took a quick snap through the window, and quickly
went outside to get a better snap. As I half expected the Woodpecker saw me
coming and flew off, hope its not long before he returns.
House Martin

House Martin

House Martin

Spotted Woodpecker

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